L'Atelier du Vin

The Haute Couture of wine accessories. Effortlessly open your favourite bottles of wine using L'Atelier du Vin Corkscrews. They provide a functional and stylish addition to an effortless wine serving experience.


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36 products

Oeno Motion Wood & Chrome Corkscrew
Oeno Motion Wood & Black
Anniversary Twin Blade Cork Extractor
Cork Opener For Sparkling Wine
Oeno Motion Tresor
Bilame Anniversary Twin Blade Cork Extractor
Le de Gaulle Corkscrew
Soft Brass Machine Corkscrew
Garçon Chromed Metal Corkscrew
Soft Machine Crystal Corkscrew
Soft Machine Rosewood Corkscrew
Oeno Box Sommelier
Bilame Craft
Oeno Collection 3
Oeno Collection 2
Soft Machine Nomad
Chef Sommelier
Gard'Vin ON/OFF Power Wine Preservation System
Chic Set Night
Bilame Nomad